Saturday, June 03, 2006

Yesterday, we went back home (old home) to Jackson to cut the grass, fix a few holes in the sheetrock and paint. The house was fine and I think that one of our neighbors might have cut the grass after we left. It was just over 2 weeks since Joe had cut it, but it definitely didn't look like 2 weeks of growth. Joe cut it again anyway. I would have guessed that Mr. Walker did it. The Walkers are a very kind older couple that lives across the street--the absolute best neighbors we have ever had. But, Mr. Walker has just started to pay someone to cut their very small yard and ours is so very large. I hope that he didn't do it!!

I wrote a comment on Barbara Curtis's blog yesterday on an excerpt from her book about losing children. I do enjoy writing, but managed to fritter away the afternoon doing so. I had a few minutes that I sat down at the computer while David and Will napped. Just as I was getting up to start working again, I welcomed an unexpected visitor. It was a good visit that I was thankful for, but between that and my wasted computer time, I didn't have everything ready to go when Joe got home. I am still learning how to best watch my time.

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