Friday, April 11, 2008

Lots of stain remover and a well-needed shower

As you might have noticed, I am trying to revive my blog these days. Just outside the office window, the three older boys are digging holes in the yard...making dirt roads and castles and driving their assortment of cars and construction equipment around on them. It is one of those times when I know that they are doing what little boys should--playing in the mud in their backyard! There is also much opportunity to deal with sin and the Gospel ("Give me back my truck!") as I seek to teach them to love one another. Behavior modification techniques might manipulate a child to lessen undesirable behaviors, but they will not show him his need for a Savior.

I am reminded this morning that my job in mothering these boys is not simply to make them well-behaved (although it is my prayer that they would also be so), but that I primarily want to disciple them rightly in their understanding of sin so that they would rest on Jesus as their only hope. And that is a lesson for me too. That as I see MY short temper in dealing with them or see my inability to respond kindly, I would fly to the cross and say, "Here is my hope! Here is my sufficiency! Lord, make me more like Christ!"

1 comment:

Katie said...

Hallie, wonderful thoughts! They echo much of what I remember reading in Tripp's Shepherding a Child's Heart, which you've probably read.