Tuesday, December 05, 2006

This and that

We've been having record lows here recently and yesterday didn't have heat in the master suite due to a broken furnace. Thankfully, it is fixed toasty warm now, but last night was a bit chilly. I wore two layers of pj's and we added 2 thick wool blankets to our bed. It was so hard to get out from under the covers this morning to venture in to the 57 degree bathroom for a shower!

The boys have played so well today that I got a lot done. I am back to using Flylady's cleaning rotation and am on the kitchen and laundry room this week. The kitchen looks great!

I am a bit miffed that more of the things that I have ordered for Christmas have not yet arrived. I wrapped everything that was here the other night while watching Mission Impossible 3 (a pretty good movie) but I want to get the rest done. I had ordered everything for the extended family by last week, but still need to get a few more things for Joe and the boys. I also haven't made any friend presents (usually candy, cookies, or the like) for handing out to neighbors and friends. Better get moving!

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