Monday, June 18, 2007

The birth of Charles Edward

All of my previous labors have been 12+ hours long and so when people asked, "What if the midwife doesn't get there in time?" I would laugh and say, "Well, that would mean I was in labor for less than 2 hours and that sounds great to me!" And then I'd reassure them that I have lengthy labors and don't have to even worry about it. My cousin just had her second baby, and I had commented that I envied her short, albeit a bit harried labor. This experience with long labors was even what led to my idea to live blog the labor--I mean, when it lasts for so long, there are lulls and I was going to need something to do, right?

Well, Charlie (and the Lord) had different plans for this birth. Monday must have been my energy surge day, though I didn't realize it at the time. Sunday night, I had been awakened at night by relatively painless, but definitely intense contractions that came every 15 minutes or so all night long. I was sure that I'd be in labor by morning, but the contractions petered out as I got going for the day. I brought the boys to Bible School and then visited with friends and played with David at church for a while. I ran to the grocery story and got some meat for supper, ran home to put the groceries away, and got the boys from Bible School. The afternoon was normal--naps, playing outside, supper, bedtime.

Monday night the contractions started again and went from 12:00 to 5:00 again about every 15 minutes, but this time they hurt! I would wake up at the peak of the contraction from a deep sleep. Surely this was the start of labor. But again, they stopped the next morning. On Tuesday I was in a bad mood. I hadn't slept well (I was having contractions all night) and I just didn't feel good. I dropped the boys at Bible School again and came home because I was grumpy and wanted to rest. When Joe got home that afternoon from work, I insisted that we finish up preparations for the birth. I even wanted to put the boys' overnight bags by the front door and get out the pack-n-play. He thought I was a bit over zealous, but joined in the preparations. (Remember, at this point, I had been telling him for 2 days that I felt like I was going into labor and I hadn't.)

Sometime around 4:00 I had a contraction that was different. It is just like everyone says, when you are in labor, suddenly you just know. And I knew. I told Joe and after 2 more contractions, called Melinda, my midwife. I told her that I was in labor and she should head this way. I told her I was having contractions every 8-12 minutes, but that these were real. Thankfully, she didn't ask how long I had been having contractions because I would've had to tell her that I had only had 3. Later she told me that she knew by my voice that this was it. She said that she was already in her car and would just continue on to my house. 2 hours and she would be here.

At this point, I went outside and told Joe that I wanted him to believe me that I was really in labor. He still wasn't convinced. :) I managed to make calls to friends to come and get the boys between contractions. I called Mama and told her I was in labor. After that, I just had to focus on staying on top of the contractions. When my friend Angie came to pick up David and Joseph, she came and prayed with me and I knew that things were moving very quickly. I had sat down on my bed to pray with Angie came and now realized that if I moved at all another contraction came right away and the intensity was just too much. So, I stayed in the exact same position sitting on the side of my bed.

After the boys left, Joe gathered a few things that we still needed to have and brought them back to our room. I was so glad that he was there and that the boys were gone because I needed to concentrate. A little while after that, I got nauseous and threw up the yogurt and juice that I had eaten to give me a little strength. Joe told me later that it wasn't until I threw up that he actually believed that I was in labor! Around 5:45, the contractions were coming every 4 minutes and were very strong. Joe called to check on Melinda and she said she was a half an hour away. I remember thinking that I wasn't sure I would make it until then, but really didn't want to deliver until she came because it would worry Joe so much. So, I didn't move and anxiously watched the clock.

Melinda arrive promptly at 6:15 and pronounced me at an 8. She set up her things and was so quiet and unobtrusive as she got everything ready. She listened to the baby's heart tones on her handheld Doppler (like the ones you all have seen the OB use during office visits) and he sounded great. There were two times during the next hour that she listened to the baby the whole time during and after a contraction to be sure that he was handling them well. It was painful, but I knew that she needed to do it.

At this point, I was resting on pillows on the bed and Joe would apply counter pressure to my lower back during contractions. Poor guy, his arm fell asleep, but I needed him right there during every contraction and he was. I threw up again and contractions spaced out a bit as I went through transition. My water broke at the peak of a contraction and soon I started pushing. I only pushed for 10 minutes and he was born at 7:50. He was born with the cord loosely around his neck and also wrapped around his body. He also had his hand by the side of his head (a favorite position even now) as he was born. As soon as he was placed on my stomach, Joe peaked and announced that he was "a boy!" I held him briefly and then the post-delivery shakes that I get after each birth started and so Joe held Charlie. I was so cold and eventually warmed up after they covered me with some dryer-warmed blankets.

Melinda examined Charlie and weighed and measured him. I rested for a while and Melinda cleaned up, packed her supplies, and started some laundry while Joe held Charlie. After 3 failed attempts (I was too dizzy at first) I finally made it to the bathroom for a very comfy bath. After I was back in bed, Melinda checked to be sure that we were comfortable and felt ready to have her leave and gave a few more instructions. Then she left and we were alone.

I told Melinda before she left that it was the birth that I had always wanted to have. It truly was. I was so glad to be at home and in control. It was a very relaxed and comfortable labor (if labor can be relaxing) and there was just a peacefulness about the whole thing. It was....simple.

I am so thankful for God's protection of me and little Charlie and so grateful that he is here!!!


Anonymous said...

What an awesome description of the whole day, Boost! I loved getting to read the full account! Love, M

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful report! It almost makes me want to have a home birth!
Much love, Auntie

Katie said...

What a beautiful story! It sounds like Joe was a real help and support, and you did wonderfully! I got those post-delivery shakes, too. Thank you for sharing!

Hallie Holland said...

M--glad you liked hearing more esp. since I didn't call and give you updates along the way! :)

Auntie--now THAT would be interesting!

Katie--Well, I liked reading yours so you made me want to write it!