Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Blog roll--Seeking Faithfulness

Since she posts such a great one today, I must highlight another site on my blogroll—Seeking Faithfulness written by Holly. Holly is a pastor's wife and a mom to 7 beautiful children. Today, she examines the death of personal dreams in favor of God's calling to marriage and family and in doing so, captures the wrong thinking in Molly's post.

Holly's posts are always pointing the reader towards the audience of One and away from the world's applause. She is humble and has amusing and practical posts on motherhood that fit where I am and push me onward. Holly's blog is one that has fed me the most spiritually, of all of the blogs that I read. (On a side note, she also has a blog for pastors' families that is great too. I need that kind of experienced wisdom.)

Some of my favorite posts from Holly are:

This one where she writes of her husband's service to the family and her love for him
This one about an older couple and their faithful love
This one entitled, "Trust, submission, and reliance"
This one and this one about mothering little babies in the night time
This one entitled, "Mothering through sickness"
And my favorites, "Losing Myself" and "Losing Myself, part 2"


Anonymous said...


I am so honored by your links! I only hope that I can live up to them...(or at least begin to, try to...!)

I don't usually check incoming links - but for some reason I did this morning. I'm glad I did - and was able to "meet" you.

Thank you for your kind, kind words!

Hallie Holland said...

I meant them! Your blog is such and encouragement and challenge to me. I only wanted to pass on a good thing!!!

Anonymous said...


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