Monday, July 03, 2006

On of those days....

Yep, today was one. The peak came at lunch time just as Will dropped the gallon of milk on the floor and David was screaming constantly. I cleaned up the milk and rushed David to the bathroom. He's been constipated and after sitting with him for a few minutes (and a glycerin enema), I finally nursed him and manage to calm him down. The whole time I was with him I could hear the older boys yelling from the kitchen for more food. I cleaned David up quickly and put him down to bed. Coming into the kitchen to a huge mess (a 2 year old and a 3 year old alone with PBJ sandwiches and glasses of milk--use your imagination), I had BM all over my arms from dealing with David. My dear husband walks in the door and takes that opportunity to note, "You have avocado on your shoulder."

We had a day like that on Saturday night too. Our minivan suddenly wouldn't start, we lost our $112 baby monitor (I know that is pricey, but it was the only model that can monitor more than one room--some people do have more than one small child, you know), the boys were fussy, I was trying to cook dinner, and I'm sure that there was a mess somewhere.

Joe and I have been talking a lot about wanting to live like Christians in the midst of such circumstance. To live in light of eternity in the middle of potty accidents, disobedient children, messes, ruined plans, and chaos. I am SO quick to lose my temper, yell, or be frustrated.

"Lord, give me grace to daily take the things of my life and serve with peace in the midst of them that I may bring glory to your name."

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