Thursday, September 04, 2008

Fun messes

Joe was out tonight and so the boys and I had fun trying a concoction from my friend Mary. Mary was one of my first and dearest friends in Jackson, and she has had a huge influence on my mothering. Our firstborns are a few months apart and I got to watch her face things with Samuel as I faced them with Joseph.

Anyway, she posted a recipe for "Goopy Goo" on her blog and raved that it held her kids attention for some good fun times. I can second her approval of the stuff. If you have ever seen Gak, it is very much like that. And since it is made with a little Borax, I like to think that the little pieces that were flung under my kitchen table and all over the kitchen floor (that I will be picking up for the next week) are cleaning as they sit there. :)

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