Friday, March 11, 2005

First real bout with morning sickness today. I’ve had queasy moments from time to time, but today it is lasting. I’m tired too and so it has been a long day. Joe is in a training seminar at the seminary today and was excited about the change of pace. He’ll be home late this afternoon though, so the day is just beginning.

We’ve had an uneventful day. We grocery shopped this morning and then have stayed here and taken it easy for the rest of the day. Both boys are napping now and Will will be up in a few minutes. I’m exhausted, but am not feeling as bad now as I did earlier.

Thanks for all of the congrats. It is fun to share happy news, isn’t it? We haven’t told anyone here yet since I am still not very far along and so it is fun to have you all know.

If anyone has been keeping up with the Teri Schiavo case, now is a critical time. I encourage all of you to go to to get the info needed to contact your state’s senators and representatives. The ten minutes that it would take to email them would get the message across about the sanctity of human life at all stages. Be vocal!

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