Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Update pictures

I don't know why I haven't been blogging much recently. There has been a lot going on though.

The boys and I have ventured into homeschooling and are surviving so far. We are using the Phonics Museum by Veritas Press, Saxon 1, and supplementing with extra books. The boys are learning a lot and are proud of themselves. They are also realizing that school is not always fun--that it is just hard work some days. But that is a good lesson too. :)These are some of our sweet friends from church who come over for lunch on Fridays.

Joseph and Will are on a soccer team this fall and we are all really enjoying it. They lost their first game Tuesday and will play again tomorrow.

Charlie is growing by leaps and bounds and is already starting to loose some of that cute "newly walking" baby toddle that I love.
David goes back to the pediatric endocrinologist in October. I have been stuffing him full of food, but he is still SO skinny.

Joe and I are going to two church planter assessments in November to help us discern God's calling in our lives. It is very exciting, but also stressful and unsettling.Joe is getting over shingles. He told me today for the first time that the pain was starting to lessen a bit.

We got a super new-to-us camera that is so cool and fancy. It takes fabulous pics, but they are hard to upload!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Fun messes

Joe was out tonight and so the boys and I had fun trying a concoction from my friend Mary. Mary was one of my first and dearest friends in Jackson, and she has had a huge influence on my mothering. Our firstborns are a few months apart and I got to watch her face things with Samuel as I faced them with Joseph.

Anyway, she posted a recipe for "Goopy Goo" on her blog and raved that it held her kids attention for some good fun times. I can second her approval of the stuff. If you have ever seen Gak, it is very much like that. And since it is made with a little Borax, I like to think that the little pieces that were flung under my kitchen table and all over the kitchen floor (that I will be picking up for the next week) are cleaning as they sit there. :)