Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Christmas pageant

I am officially one of the mama's in charge of the shepherds for our church's Christmas pageant. It just so happens that the shepherds are all of the boys 2-9 in the church (two of which are my own) who didn't get a speaking role. Let's just say that these are not the calmest of the children involved in the pageant. We had our first run through tonight and it was a bit rocky.

On the way home (hoping to instill more quietness and reverence for the occasion), I talked to Joseph and Will about how the pageant was an opportunity for us to share what was important about Christmas (the birth of Christ) with people who might not know. We've been having a lot of discussions recently about why some people celebrate Santa Claus instead of Jesus and honestly it is kind of hard to explain. We've made our celebration so Christ-centric that I can't really put into words who Santa is.

I need to do a bit more on decorations for our house so that it won't all hit me at once. I got two pretty poinsettias at Wal-mart today and have made 2 good sized pine cone wreaths. I should make a few more wreaths and get a head start on some cooking for our open house too. Joe is off tomorrow morning and I am hoping that we'll finish painting the bedroom!!


K said...

Hallie, since i check your blog daily, i thought i would commiserate with you on Santa in Christmas. Yesterday on the way to preschool, my oldest Megan (4 1/2) said, "Yesterday in school, at snack, all the kids went around the room and said what they leave out for Santa to snack on. When it was my turn I said,"Santa doesn't come to my house" and cried." Well, needless to say, i then had to talk with Megan again about why we celebrate Christmas (Jesus' birthday) and also talk with her teacher and apologize for not letting them know that, but at the same time, let her know that it's okay to do santa stuff, just that we don't have santa come to our house (had i thought clearly at the time, i would have explained that we celebrate Jesus with a birthday cake, etc, but i was too flustered at the moment to actually verbalize that to the teacher).

I had to explain why some kids don't celebrate Christmas as Jesus' birthday to Megan. I grew up with Santa...and my husband and I just really decided that we didn't want to have Santa be the center of Christmas. My stuggle is how to not make my children freaks in the neighborhood or school, etc. I haven't explained that Santa's not real, we just don't ever really talk about him at home. Anyway, it's very hard when the world is telling your kids that Santa and presents are what Christmas is all about...which i shouldn't be surprised about since the world tells us tons of other lies, as well. Anyway, if you have any miraculous thoughts, let me know...and thanks for blogging. It's great to read, especially since your boys are mostly the same ages as my children. :) Have a great day...

Hallie Holland said...

Another reader, wow, I suppose that means I should be better about writing. :) I've posted a long reply as a separate post. Glad that you're reading.